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Employment Application


We are looking for a full-time teller to join our team in the office. The successful candidate will be responsible for providing exceptional customer service, accurately processing customer transactions, and maintaining accurate records. The ideal candidate will have excellent communication skills, a strong attention to detail, and the ability to work independently and as part of a team. Benefits include: 401(k), pension, dental insurance, health insurance, paid sick time and paid vacation time.

Apply Today

* Indicates Required

  • We are an equal opportunity employer, dedicated to a policy of non-discrimination in employment on any basis including race, color, age, sex, religion, disability or national origin. Consistent with the Americans Disabilities Act, applicants may request accommodations needed to participate in the application process.

    Personal Information

    Employment Desired

    Are you employed now?
    May we contact your current employer?
    Ever applied to this credit union before?
  • Education

    What type of education have you received?

    Grammar School

    Did you graduate?

    High School

    Last Year Completed
    Did you graduate?


    Last Year Completed
    Did you graduate?

    Trade, Business or Correspondence School

    Last Year Completed
    Did you graduate?

    High School

    Last Year Completed
    Did you graduate?


  • Employment History

    List below the last three employers, starting with the most recent one first.

    Employer #1

    Employer #2

    Employer #3

  • References

    Reference #1

    Reference #2

    Reference #3

  • Agreements & Disclosures

    Please read the following disclosure and scroll down to submit this application.

    If you are hired, you will be required to attest to your identity and employment eligibility, and to present documents confirming your identity and employment eligibility. You cannot be hired if you cannot comply with these requirements.


    I certify that the facts contained in this application (and accompanying resume, if any) are true and complete to the best of my knowledge. I understand that any false statement, omission, or misrepresentation on this application is sufficient cause for refusal to hire, or dismissal if I have been employed, no matter when discovered by the employer.

    I understand that any employment is conditioned on a background check. I authorize the financial institution to thoroughly investigate all statements contained in my application or resume, and I authorize my former employers and references to disclose information regarding my former employment, character and general reputation to the credit union, without giving me prior notice of such disclosure. In addition, I release the financial institution, any former employers and all references listed above from any and all claims, demands or liabilities arising out of or related to such investigation or disclosure.

    I understand and agree that nothing contained in this application, or conveyed during my interview, is intended to create an employment contract. I further understand and agree that if I am hired, my employment will be "at will" and without fixed term, and may be terminated at any time, with or without cause and without prior notice, at the option of either myself or the financial institution. No promises regarding employment have been made to me, and I understand that no such promise or guarantee is binding upon the financial institution unless made in writing.

    If I am offered employment I agree to submit to a medical examination and drug test, if required, before starting work. If employed, I also agree to submit to a medical examination or drug test at any time deemed appropriate by the credit union and as permitted by law. I consent to such examinations and tests, and I request that the examining doctor disclose to the financial institution the results of the examination, which results shall remain confidential and segregated from my personnel file. I understand that my employment or continued employment, to the extent permitted by law, may be contingent upon satisfactory medical examinations and drug test, and if I am hired a condition of my employment will be that I abide by the financial institution's Drug and Alcohol Policy.

    I understand that filling out this form does not indicate there is a position open and does not obligate the financial institution to hire. If hired, I agree to abide by all financial institution work rules, policies and procedures. The financial institution retains the right to revise its policies or procedures, in whole or in part, at any time.